#VRArtLive Gallery August 2022
Title: Water Nymph
Artist: VirtualJulio
VR App/s: OpenBrush
Curator: wildc4rd
Editor: Suk
The Water Nymph
Commentary by VirtualJulio

The Water Nymph. This volumetric piece represents idealised inner beauty. Surrounded by a chaotic and unpredictable element, the symbolic undertone is understated by its means. In the midst of the wildest surrounding true beauty can always be found and celebrated.
If one looks closely into the rabid torrents of the world, one can always find inspiration to continue with their creation. The whirling storm of this world often sets us in motion creating a situation when it is difficult to pause and be still, but once we do, we can immediately see the important things that drive us forward.
It is one of the many other nymphs that are represented in this series of artworks.
Made in OpenBrush.
See more by VirtualJulio:
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